Presentation Workshop Lecture



Espaço SESC – Mezanino

On and Off Garter

Núcleo Trompas de Falópio - Caxias do Sul, Brazil


On and Off Garter - Photo Douglas Trancoso


Together, three women clowns sigh for love. How many women have already experienced similar moments? To bring up wishes and scenes from the everyday life of women and change them through humor and nonsense is the main focus of this performance developed by Núcleo Trompas de Falópio.


In Cinta Ligadesliga, the Southern trio improvises and invites the audience to

participate, always keeping alive the belief that they will find the suitors of their dreams.



Actresses: Aline Tanaã Tavares, Grasiela Muller e Odelta Simonetti

Director: Luciane Olendzki . Props and costumes: Patrícia Preiss . Lightening: Juarez Barazetti

Production: Trompas de Falópio


Rating: 12 . Duration: 50 minutes

Tickets: R$ 20 (full) . R$ 10 (half) . $ 5 (members of the SESC Rio)