Presentation Workshop Lecture



Espaço SESC – Mezanino

Whole Note

(Las Cabaças - São Paulo, SP, e Santarém, PA)


Whole Note - photo Amanda Vivan


This duet revives five traditional circus-clown numbers:


A Pulga (The Flea) – Elvis, a well-known flea, hid behind a music sheet, triggering the two clowns’ recollections of the time when they trained fleas in a circus. Soldado, Sen-tido! (Soldier, Atten-tion!) – Bifi, the general, does everything she

can to change soldier Quinan into a brave fighter; but the recruit’s foolishness makes her commander’s expectations fail; O Salto no Copo d’Água (A Jump into a Glass of Water) – an Olympic diving athlete, Bifi prepares for a double somersault into a glass of water; and the imbroglio starts when Quinan decides to help her; A Mágica (The Magic Trick) – before the audience’s attentive eyes, Quinan will make a small piece of paper disappear...

O Nome dos Santos (The Saints’ Names) – collected in Ceará, this gag closes the show. Recognizing their clumsiness in all the activities they tried to carry out, the clowns decide to pray for all the saints in their national pantheon. But they

do it quite incorrectly.



Actresses/Clowns: Juliana Balsalobre (Bifi) e Marina Quinan (Quinan)

Script and direction: Las Cabaças

Rating: NR . Duration: 50 minutes

Tickets: R$ 20 (full) . R$ 10 (half) . $ 5 (members of the SESC Rio)